Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Perfect Storm

Have you ever had a project come together so perfectly that it almost seems unbelievable? 
I like to call that the perfect storm. 

 A few weeks ago I had this happen to me.
 I was standing in Joann's and saw this wooden lighthouse. A birdhouse actually. As soon as I picked it up, this whole project came to me in a flash. 
First of all, it was the perfect vehicle for one of the brand new Graphic 45 lines called By The Sea.
 Aaand secondly, it was a perfect gift for my friend Carrie.
 She just happens to be one of those rare people that are so nice that you end up feeling like you will have to clean their toilet every week until eternity just to get close to paying them back for all of the sweet things they do for you.
Oh, and did I mention Carrie loves lighthouses? 
and this paper?
See what I mean? 

If you know me at all you kinda know what a freak I am for Graphic 45 paper. 
So, it's not like using it is ever a chore or anything. But making this was one of the few times in my life where I didn't ever really have to wrestle with any element of it at all. Even with the best paper you have to fight a little. 
But, putting this together was amazing. Almost pure joy. 
And yes, I know how silly that might sound to someone not quite as weird about this stuff as I am. Add in that I got to make flowers that I've never made before, I found the perfect base to get the look of it sitting in the ocean (just like in my head), and found the wave punch on clearance that ended up being what tied the whole thing together and I am a happy happy girl.
Carrie seemed to be pleased with it too, so there's your icing on the cake right there.

Perfect Storms. You can't beat 'em.
A few detail pics just for funsies:


Friday, August 23, 2013

A Flowery End to Summer

I know everybody likes to say this at the end of summer, but it's so true for me.

I have had a crazy summer. 
Nuts. Gonzo. 

So crazy, in fact, that I feel like there has been no summer at all. 
By my last count I have made giant paper flowers, a double banner and many small flowers for a wedding luncheon(for which I was also in charge of almost everything else and got my camera stolen from the church where it was held). Centerpiece, banner and invites for a baby shower (was in charge of nearly everything for that one too). Then stuff for the store. Let's see...5 mini books, a slew of Halloween favors, a Christmas bouquet of 11 Kusudama flowers in 2 sizes, a sewn leaf banner, mini-box and matching mini-cards for Autumn and more cards than I care to count. 

If we're keeping it completely on the level, then that was actually just for July and August. I am pretty sure I cut more paper in 6 weeks than some people do in 6 months.

When I end up with such a mammoth to-do list, you would think I wouldn't want to have anything else to do with paper. Surprisingly enough, you would be wrong. What keeps me going through such a work load is taking a minute here and there to do something fun. That brings me to the point of this long winded post.
 I really need to learn how to filter.
 After the Christmas bunch turned out so well, I started messing around with making some Kusudama flowers for other holidays. I just finished the Autumn set and am so obsessed with how cool they look that there will most likely be a Halloween and Christmas set appearing shortly. As soon as I get my hands on the new lines from Authentique that is. I was at the Country Loft yesterday while they were being unpacked and I am not ashamed to say that I got a little giddy. 

Due to that whole stolen camera thing, I am back to having 
The Daughter take my pictures. Can you tell?
Yes, that's a beer bottle. The name was so funny I kept it.
I am thinking one of the glass root beer bottles would work just as well
if not better. I don't love how you can see the wires through this one.

Ignore the imperfect middles!
Still trying to decide if I want buttons or brads in the middle.
I think I am leaning towards buttons. 

My biggest obsession this year by far.
Book paper is almost my new boyfriend.